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Configure access rights for Attendance DailyView feature

Updated in June-2023

Employees’ attendance summary provides a detailed report of employee attendance, which is essential for managing and maintaining an efficient and productive workforce. It helps identify patterns and trends in employee attendance, such as frequent absences or late arrivals, which can indicate potential issues that need to be addressed.

The Attendance DailyView feature helps the admin to perform a detailed analysis of attendance data and helps identify trends and patterns within an organization. In order to start using the feature, you as a super admin must configure the rights for the admin.Β 

The User Roles page in the greytHR Admin portal allows you as a super admin to provide the option for admins to use the feature. The page displays various types of user cards.

To view the User Roles, click the Settings icon > User Administration > User > User Roles.

⚠️ We recommend you to contact the greytHR support team before making any changes in settings.

Configure access rights for Attendance DailyView feature

To configure the access rights for the Attendance DailyView feature, perform the following actions:

  1. On the User Roles page, select the admin user card. The card expands.

  2. Click the Edit icon on the card. A form appears.

  3. From the Category dropdown list, select the Attendance option. A table displays the Attendance DailyView feature.

  4. In the table, select the Read Access and Write Access options using the checkbox to provide the required access for the required feature.

  5. Click Save to update the changes and provide appropriate access to the required user.

After providing the access rights, the admins can start using the Attendance DailyView feature.Β 

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