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Add workflow reviewer type

Updated in June-2023

Adding a workflow reviewer type refers to including an additional role or position in a workflow process that is responsible for reviewing and providing feedback or approval on certain stages or aspects of the workflow. This reviewer type is typically introduced to enhance the quality control or compliance aspects of the workflow and ensure that the work meets specific standards or requirements.

The Workflow Reviewers Types page on the greytHR Admin portal allows you to add multiple reviewer types for various workflows. You can also view the existing list of reviewers in individual cards. Each card displays the details such as Title, Assignment Type, Category, and Created On date.

To view the Workflow Reviewers Types page, click Workflow > Setup > Workflow Reviewers Types. Watch the video for more clarity:

You can perform the following actions on the Workflow Reviewers Types page:

  1. Add workflow reviewer types.

  2. Edit/delete workflow reviewer type.

  3. Deactivate workflow reviewer type.

Add workflow reviewer type

To add workflow reviewer type, perform the following actions:

  1. On the Workflow Reviewers Types page, click the Add Reviewer Type button. A form appears.

  2. In the Title text box, enter the title of a workflow reviewer.

  3. From the Assignment Type dropdown list, select the required option.
    For example - Category Based Admin.

  4. From the Category dropdown list, select the required category. For example - Designation. The table appears and displays the Designation, Reviewer, and Effective Date columns.

  5. Select the All/Unassigned option as per your requirements.

  6. Double-click in the Reviewer column next to the required designation, and from the Search by Emp No / Name search box, search for the employee you want to select as a reviewer for the designation.

  7. Double-click in the Effective Date column next to the selected reviewer, and select the required date from the Enter Date dropdown calendar.

  8. Click Save to add the workflow reviewer type.
    Note: You can select the following options as Assignment Type:

    1. Category Based Β - The option allows you to select each category as an employee.

    2. Category Based Admin -Β  The option allows you to select the named user.

    3. Employee Specific- The option allows you to select one employee as a reviewer.

    4. Named User - The option allows you to select any of the admin users.

    5. Manager’s manager - The option allows you to select a manager as per your organization tree.

Edit, delete, or download workflow reviewer type

To edit or delete the workflow reviewer type, perform the following actions:

  1. On the Workflow Reviewers Types page, the list of workflow reviewer cards appears.

  2. Select the card and click View Details. A form appears.

  3. Edit the details as per your requirements and click Save to save the changes.

  4. Click the Delete button if you want to delete the created workflow reviewer type.
    Note: When the workflow reviewer type has a reference or is linked with any workflow policies, then the reviewer type cannot be deleted.

  5. Click the Export to Excel icon to download the workflow reviewer type in Excel format.
    Note: You can also use the Search box or Filter icon on the Workflow Reviewers Types page to access the required card easily.

Deactivate workflow reviewer type

To deactivate the workflow reviewer type, perform the following actions:

  1. On the Workflow Reviewers Types page, a list of workflow reviewer cards appears.

  2. Click on the required card. The card expands.Β 

  3. Click Deactivate to deactivate the selected workflow reviewer type. A success message appears.
    Note: When there is an active workflow for a reviewer type, then that particular reviewer type cannot be deactivated.

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